Bringing Change where it Counts.

TACH AFRICA is a charitable organization whose chief aim is to help vulnerable children and youth have access to education and life skills, and to facilitate them in all ways possible to have a decent successful future.

We are guided by our vision of providing access to quality education to less fortunate and vulnerable children, to mentor and support them by providing the necessary resources, and our mission of being drivers of change where it counts in society.

Our Progams

Feeding Program

The problem of food insecurity is a threat to student in food insecure schools. Lack of food in school causes malnutrition and dropping out by school children to look for income, threatening students' academic and intellectual prospects.

Menstural Health

Lack of access to sanitary towels for girls in schools has seen negative impacts like early pregnancies, as girls are taken advantage of by some adults who lure them with cash to buy hygiene kits in exchange for sexual favors. Through this program, we have distributed over 1000 kits to needy school-going girls.

Bees For Brittany

The bees for Brittany project is an alternative to raising additional capital to finance the organization's programs. Donors buy a hive at $49, which is set up, and a plaque bearing the donor's name is attached.


Students need to be guided through the education journey. The mentorship program enables the students to interact with, learn, and draw inspiration from professional volunteers and high-achieving pre-university and university students in Kenya and abroad.


In TACH Africa, we firmly believe in every child’s inherent rights that guarantee a full life, including access to basic needs, education, and a chance to excel in different fields. Our current programs focus on school-going children, aiming to keep them in school and helping them reach the highest levels possible.

The growing numbers of street children locally and internationally cause serious public health concerns because of the dangers of street life. There are tens of millions of street children in the world, and the numbers keep growing due to population increase, urbanization, and migration. In Kenya, a first-of-a-kind census on the population of street families by the State Department of Social Protection in 2018 estimated that there are 46,639 street families spread across the 47 counties and in every major urban center. Of this, approximately 33.8% (15,752) are children under 19.


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